To all the weary, and all the brokenhearted, you thought your life would turn out differently, didn't you? When they were getting people ready rehearsing the graduation walk for your high school as you were preparing to get your diploma, you had big dreams didn't you? You were going to go out and do something big! You were going to go out and change the world! You had it in your mind that your plans would work out because they were your plans. Maybe some of you didn't have plans. Maybe you had more opportunities than you could choose from.
I certainly didn't know what I was going to do until the last week of high school. I wasn't sure what career path I was going to pursue. Something drew me to pursue Youth Ministry. It took me a few years before I found the right school that I could afford and that offered a decent program that was specific to the field I was interested in. I had pretty much wasted two years at community college, all of which only 15 credit hours transferred to my college, Boyce College. I pretty much had all my electives out of the way.
I kinda kept my mouth shut the first semester as relating to theology, because there were a lot of individuals who had creepy backgrounds, whose motives for going into ministry was questionable, but only God can judge them. So many of them seemed exclusive, and I felt as though if they put have the effort they exerted in debating theology, ministering and evangelizing to the lost, there's no telling what they could have done!
Calvinism was the main issue that came up. While there's 5 points to Calvinism, there's one I disagree with. Limited Atonement. There is nothing limited about God, and what Jesus did on the cross. God desires that all men be saved. Will they all be saved? Total separation from God is nothing for anyone to brag about someone not having. Recently, I unfriended and blocked a certain "pastor" because he made the statement that Muhammad Ali is now in Hell. Who made him judge, jury and executioner? I would like to hope Ali somehow came to Christ before his passing, but even still as Christian that is something horrid to say about anyone. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE! YOUR JOB IS TO TELL THE WORLD ABOUT HIS GOOD NEWS, HELPING THOSE COME TO A SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST (LEAVE THE RESULTS TO GOD), AND HELP DISCIPLE THOSE WHO DO, WHILE LOVING THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, SOUL, STRENGTH AND MIND, AND LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF!!
So I'm off in many directions right now. The one thing I picked up at Boyce College that got me through the sleepless nights of wondering if the extreme "theologians" who sought to destroy my hope of being apart of following God's call, was knowing and understanding that behind all the theological doctrines, and teachings Jesus spoke out against the pharisees, many of which I was still learning about... Behind all of that is a Loving God Who created the cosmos, and everything in it. He is bigger than anyone or anything, and He still desires to have a relationship with me.
Many in college said they were getting milk instead of meat when it came to God's word. If you don't know how to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you might not even have milk. I'm not the judge, but you may need to get right with the Lord, or in some cases speak with a pastor or Christian friend to find out if you really are saved by Jesus Christ.
God blessed me with the opportunity to work with Tim Hawkins my 2nd & 3rd years in comedy.
So back to where I started, did life not turn out the way you planned? There's always the rest of the day for you to seize the opportunity and make a difference. Do something kind for someone. Show them compassion. Don't worry about what this world has to offer. Discover your gifts and what you're talented at. Everyone is talented at something! I never expected to get on stage and make thousands of people laugh. In fact early on I thought my act was funnier than it was, but it turned out, practice is everything, and performing in front of crowds is the only way to get the real experience. Do what you do and help others. Be yourself, and be real. Let people into your life (cautiously) and get involved with friends who will be able to keep you accountable.
I enjoy writing about my experiences. My podcast will be launching soon, and I'm hoping you all will take a listen!
Adios & Vaya Con Dios
Rich Jones
Isaiah 41:13 - "For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'
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